The Residence of Gwenael Nicolas, President CURIOSITY INC.


ModuleX products were installed in the residence of Mr. Gwenael Nicolas, a renowned designer whose design work covers a wide range of fields including interior, product and graphic.

In order to realize the residence owner’s request to eliminate the presence of lighting apparatus as much as possible, we introduced ModuleX60 category’s SX- B0154D/M of which light-emitting surface diameter is only 17.3mm.

Together with ModuleX Controls that allow fine tuning and precise control of lighting effect in the entire space, this project has proven the potential of ModuleX in the residential lighting field.

•Born in France in 1966, graduated from E.S.A.G with a bachelor’s degree in interior design and from RCA with a master’s degree in industrial design.
Started his career in Japan in 1991, established CURIOSITY INC. in 1998 and has engaged in the designing of various prestigious brand stores.


Product specification sheet

Project DATA

Project Reference The Residence of Gwenael Nicolas, President CURIOSITY INC.
Key Products ModuleX60